While many people have been led to believe that animal testing is mainly focused on the scientific and health industries, the reality is that 94% of all animal testing in the U.S. is done to determine the safety of cosmetics and household products. In contrast, the European Union banned the testing of finished cosmetic products on animals in 2004, Israel did the same in 2007 and India did so in 2013.
There are many companies out there that do NOT utilize animal testing for their products. LUSH fresh handmade cosmetics, a supporter of PPS, is one of those companies, and they have initiated a world wide campaign, Fighting Animal Testing, to spread awareness (see link below). As part of their campaign, LUSH did a series of live demonstrations in stores across the world with performance artists depicting animals undergoing cosmetic testing. Their video makes a moving and strong statement; it can be viewed here:
On March 5, 2014 Representative James Moran introduced the Humane Cosmetics Act (H.R. 4148), to phase out the sale of cosmetics tested on animals. Please contact your state Representative to let him/her know that you support H.R. 4148!
Malama Ola the Monkeys
Caring for the Health and Wellbeing of the Monkeys
One of the most important aspects of our work at Pacific Primate Sanctuary is monitoring the health of the monkeys. Much of our primate population is elderly, and several individuals require extra care due to geriatric illness. This specialized care is based on the symptoms the monkey is presenting, and may include medications, individualized diets, stabilized branches, ramps and walkways, heat lamps, indoor housing, and extra bedding.Caring for the Health and Wellbeing of the Monkeys
Spotlight on Leticia, a13-year-old Cotton Top Tamarin.

Please help us continue to provide Leticia, and the other elderly primates at Pacific Primate Sanctuary, with the necessary nutrition and essential medication!


Donating to Pacific Primate Sanctuary can be as simple as doing an Internet search! Visit and designate Pacific Primate Sanctuary as your charity of choice, and get started using this wonderful program. Each time you do a search using GoodSearch, a small contribution will be made to PPS! GoodSearch offers many other ways to generate donations for Pacific Primate Sanctuary, including GoodShopping, GoodDining, GoodTravel, GoodOffers and more. Visit their website to find out the details:
Give the Gift of Your Service and Volunteer Your Time
We are currently in need of more local volunteers! We need Animal Caregivers, Handy people, and Gardeners/Landscapers. Retirees are welcome. If you live on Maui and are interested in becoming one of Pacific Primate Sanctuary’s Angels, by volunteering your time and skills, please e-mail
Our Wish List
You can contribute to the monkeys by donating much needed items, including:
- commercial power washer - sewing machine
- heavy-duty weed eater - construction tools - gardening supplies & equipment -pillowcases and baby blankets
- pet carriers - ride-on lawnmower
Please contact us at if you have an item you’d like to donate!
How to Donate Directly
We deeply appreciate your continued partnership. You, and your family and friends, can make tax-deductible donations to the Sanctuary on our Website: and on FaceBook, using PayPal, or by sending a check to:
Pacific Primate Sanctuary
500-A Haloa Road
Haiku, HI 96708
500-A Haloa Road
Haiku, HI 96708
Your support is instrumental in providing for the monkeys’ basic needs and contributing to their wellbeing. May you experience the inherent happiness in helping the Beings with whom we share the Earth.
Malama Aina, Malama Kanaka
Take care of the land and the land will take care of you!
Reduce Palm Oil Use

The El Paso Zoo presents: “The Palm Oil Guide and Scanner”. Find out what products contain palm oil and how to find alternative products without palm oil. From hand lotion to cosmetics and cookies – and even some “healthy” and organic items – palm oil is used in a variety of products we purchase every day, but the true cost of palm oil is the destruction of tropical forests. Oil palm plantations are expanding around the world as they clear rainforests to make way for larger and new palm production operations. Join the international boycott against products that contain palm oil and purchase similar products that do not contain palm oil. The choices you make every day will help decrease the demand for products that contain palm oil and help increase demand for products from responsible companies. Encourage companies that use palm oil to use alternative oils or palm oil that comes 100% from sustainable plantations that have agreed not to destroy wildlife habitats. Make the right choice today and help protect millions of wildlife and plant species like elephants, tigers, orangutans and countless other rainforest animals.
This scanner is designed to help you make better choices at the store when you purchase food and cosmetic products that might contain palm oil. The choices you make are critical to the survival millions of plants and animals, global efforts to protect biodiversity, the health of the ecosystem and the quality of life for people everywhere.
Sponsored by the El Paso Zoological Society
Get the App here:
Quoted from
Sustainability Internship

Terese has made great progress in putting in a huge vegetable and herb garden next to the animal’s enclosures, as well as setting up composting bins (made out of old wooden pallets) at 3 locations around the facility to make use of the wheelbarrows full of plant material, leftover feed, and unusable fruit & vegetable waste left over from the donations we bring in twice weekly. Terese is furthering a Sustainability Volunteer Program: recruiting and doing intake and orientation for two new volunteers who will provide invaluable help with gardening and horticulture. She has been working tirelessly and is creating long lasting, innovative, self sustaining systems, as well as providing inspiration and support to our nonprofit organization! Terese has also been researching the installation of solar panels at the Sanctuary to reduce the exorbitant electricity bills we have been paying (averaging over $1,000 a month!). Switching to solar energy will initially cost about $12, 000, (we may be able to get a $1,000 rebate from the Hawaii Energy Commission). This would lower the Sanctuary’s electric bills for years to come. We are beginning a sustainability campaign, asking our supporters to become part of the PPS Solar System by donating any amount towards a solar energy system for PPS.
After the PPS Resident Internship… Where Are They Now?
Since leaving PPS, Edie has been working at C.A.R.E Centre for Animal Rehabilitation and Education Sanctuary at Ba-Phalaborwa South Africa in the Kruger National Preserve as the Rehabilitation Phase One Supervisor for Orphaned Baboons. Orphans are rescued, raised and released back into the wild at age four into troops that have been forged over their time livingat the sanctuary. Orphans that arrive at the center, have seen their parents poached and killed and the babies are often found clinging to their mothers. Once there, they are bottle fed and nurtured like any infant. There are a total of 700 baboons in all at the center including adults from the research industry. The sanctuary is on the Olifant River and is teemingwith elephants, giraffes, lions, hippos, leopards, crocodiles, impala, wild baboons and monkeys, to name a few, who move through the sanctuary property. Although very busy in her new role, and there on a three year visa,

"I truly enjoyed my time at PPS. Coming from a zoo background, it was my first experience and involvement with the world of sanctuaries, which broadened my outlook, philosophy and perspective on animal conservation. It was an unforgettable experience I will never forget and I feel so grateful that I had the opportunity to work at PPS, the relationships I built and the unforgettable memories and attachments I made with those very special charges, each unique in personality. My life was enriched and touched by all I experienced this past year including the magical setting of island life. Thank you again to Pacific Primate Sanctuary and everyone who touched my life. I will never forget my time there."
Special Topic: Katie
Journal Article Summary: “Reliably signaling a startling husbandry event improves welfare of zoo-housed capuchins (Sapajus apella).”
Animals housed in any captive setting are affected by all observed actions of their human caregivers, even those actions that may not be directed toward the animals themselves. Therefore, as caretakers, it is important to consider how those dependent upon us respond to our behavior in order to minimize stress and nurture their wellbeing.
Findings from behavioral research suggest that predictability and familiarity are key factors in determining how husbandry events (such as cleaning enclosures, feeding, providing veterinary care, etc.) will impact animals’ perception of and response to these activities. Typically, the more able an animal is to predict any stimuli, the less stress he or she will exhibit in response. Control or choice in their exposure to stimuli helps to increase predictability, and presumably therefore increases animals’ sense of security and ability to prepare for situational changes. In captivity, where animals have little or no control over events occurring around their enclosures, awareness of this idea is vital to maintaining a healthy, calm environment.

In their study, authors Rimpley and Buchanan-Smith measured changes in the stress-behaviors of 12 captive brown capuchin monkeys (Sapajus apella) before and after introducing a reliable signal to a common husbandry event. Their chosen monkeys lived at a zoo where food was given at the same time each day when zoo keepers entered their enclosures through a series of doors, some of which also lead to nearby enclosures or corridors. Rimpley and Buchanan-Smith spent a full day observing the capuchins’ behaviors to determine a “baseline” behavioral repertoire and typical sources of stress. In order to determine how the sound of doors opening and closing affected the monkeys, the researchers recorded indications of stress five minutes before and five minutes after each door could be heard. They found that, although only 30% of audible door movements actually preceded enclosure entry, the capuchins responded similarly each time they heard a door. The sound of the doors had become an unreliable signal for the capuchins, causing them to sometimes incorrectly expect food (which caused anxiety if food was not delivered) or a stressful husbandry event (such as loud repair work, veterinary examinations, etc.). Signs of stress included self-scratching, threat faces, branch shaking, urine washing, vigilance (i.e. discrete and direct staring toward a particular individual, such as through the corners their eyes while their heads were turned) and jerky motions. The keepers then began knocking clearly only before opening a door to enter the capuchin enclosure for two weeks to allow the monkeys to associate knocking with enclosure entry. After this period, Rimpley and Buchanan-Smith again observed and recorded indications of stress. They found a high frequency of stress behavior following the sound of doors prior to the introduction of knocking, and a very dramatic decrease after implementing the signal! According to the Safety-Signaling Hypothesis, when a signal is reliably paired with an upsetting or startling stimulus, the absence of that signal will assure animals that a situation will remain safe.
It is important to note that in the absence of reliable signaling, animals may associate certain people, sights, or sounds that were previously observed near an unpleasant event with feelings of anxiety (that is, that person or stimulus may unwittingly become an unreliable signal, thereby causing stress). Depending on the animal and the event, a negative association may be established after only one upsetting event, causing long-term stress of the animal each time he or she observes the caregiver or “signal” originally paired with the upsetting stimulus. Equally important is the need to be sure to ascertain the specific purpose and value of new signals before creating them. Once a signal is established and an animal relies upon it to predict certain events, this must be maintained consistently; a suddenly change or discontinuation can result in severe stress to intelligent animals such as monkeys. Also, in order for a signal to be effective in stress reduction, close observation must be performed to accurately determine whether stress behaviors are truly in response to specific events or stimuli.
Here at PPS, reliable signaling could help our monkeys predict and prepare for otherwise potentially startling events such as power-washing, enclosure entry, or noisy work on special projects, as well as positive stimuli such as feeding and (tasty) medication! If this were to be implemented, careful preparation would need to be conducted to ensure the efficacy of any new signals, and these signals would then need to be performed by each team member throughout the years to come.
-“Reliably signaling a startling husbandry event improves welfare of zoo-housed capuchins (Sapajus apella).” Kristina Rimpley, Hanna Buchanan-Smith. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 147 (2013) 205-213.

Special Topic, Intern Shani: Hemochromatosis
Hemachromatosis (or iron storage disease) is a genetic disorder that causes the body to absorb too much iron from food and store it in the body’s tissues and organs. This disease occurs in many primate species including callitrichids. Hepatic hemosiderosis (an overload of iron in the liver) is one of the most common postmortem findings in captive callitrichid species.
The excess iron can be stored in the liver, heart, and pancreas. The excess iron poisons the organs and can cause life-threatening conditions. Iron deposits in the pancreas can decrease insulin production and cause diabetes mellitus. Iron stored in the pancreas can also cause pancreatic cancer. Iron deposits in the heart muscle can cause heart enlargement, heart arrhythmias and heart failure. Iron stored in the liver causes liver cirrhosis, liver cancer and failure. This disease is virtually undetectable in its earlier stages unless a blood test or liver biopsy is done. Signs of hemachromotosis include lethargy, muscle weakness, weight loss and abdominal and joint pain.

Dr. Cathy Johnson Delaney, DVM

Human beings are a part of the animal kingdom, not apart from it. The separation of "us" and "them" creates a false picture and is responsible for much suffering. It is part of the in-group/out-group mentality that leads to human oppression of the weak by the strong as in ethic, religious, political, and social conflicts.”
—Marc Bekoff, Animals Matter: A Biologist Explains Why We Should Treat Animals with Compassion and Respect
We hope you have enjoyed this issue of Pacific Primate Sanctuary’s E-Newsletter. Thank you for your support of our life saving work. Because of compassionate people, the Sanctuary can continue to provide a place of peace and happiness for over 50 primates saved from research laboratories, animal dealers, and tourist attractions. Here they can heal, form social groups, and live free from exploitation.